Billiger Mietwagen Vereinigte Staaten - Stipendium für Studenten

Aruna Patel

The Winner of the $4000 University Scholarship

Kannst du uns etwas mehr über dich erzählen? Deine Hobbys oder außerschulischen Aktivitäten?

Hello my name is Aruna Patel. I am honored to have been awarded this scholarship and I am extremely grateful for this opportunity. I will be attending UC Santa Cruz this fall. My hobbies include the occasional binge watching certain television shows, however I would much rather spend my time outdoors. I enjoy swimming, playing badminton, bird watching, and spending time with my family. Some extracurricular activities I was involved in during high school include Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) and Key Club. Being a part of FBLA exposed me to conferences, seminars, competitions, and presenting in front of an audience. This activity helped to build my confidence level. Key Club gave me an opportunity to give back to my community through service events including soup kitchens, environmental events, marathons, craft fairs and working with children. Additionally, I took on the role of a senior guide in high school and assisted first year students in their transition from high school throughout the year. I was a part of the Track in Field team and was awarded the varsity letter. I have played the piano since a young age which has helped me to attain discipline, concentration, and time management all the while fulfilling my musical interest.

Was sind deine pädagogischen Bestrebungen?

My educational goal is to obtain a master’s degree in mathematics/economics. Throughout my life, I have always had an interest in math. In middle school, math came naturally, and I received exceptional grades without much effort. My classmates would ask me for help to study for math exams. This strengthened my appreciation for the subject knowing that I was proficient to help others. Over the years, the work got tough and I had to put extra time and effort into the subject. However, I did not lose passion for math. I challenged myself by taking Calculus at a community college over the summer after my Junior year. I self-taught myself AP Calculus BC and took the exam in May. At the same time, I was enrolled in IB Math 2 and had to prepare for the IB math exam. Starting at a higher level in college will help me further determine whether math is what I want to pursue. During my senior year, I was a teacher's assistant in a Calculus class. During class I assisted those students who struggled with problems.

Was bedeutet Reisen für Sie?

Travel means adventure and learning the history of places that I visit. I have family all over the world, and most of my travels are to visit my loved ones and reconnect with them. Building strong relationships with family is important to me. Whenever I travel I feel adventure pulsing through my veins as my curiosity wants to explore everything around me. Discovering new places and experiencing different cultures is amazing. I am so thankful that my parents have taken their time to show me around the world. All my adventures have been unforgettable.

Was ist dein Lieblingsreiseziel?

My favorite travel destination is Zambia, Africa. As my grandparents reside there, I have visited several times. On each of my visits I see and learn more. Most of my time in Zambia is spent with my grandparents. Their eternal love for me can never be replaced, and it is impossible to be bored while hanging out with my awesome grandparents! The scenery in Zambia is unforgettable from the Victoria Falls to the wildlife. Visiting a third world country makes one appreciative of everything they have and the extra awareness to never take anything for granted.

In welches Semester gehen die 4000 Dollar?

Die 4000 Dollar, die ich erhalten habe, werden einen Teil meiner Schulungskosten im Schuljahr 2017-2018 decken.

Welchen Rat würden Sie zukünftigen Bewerbern geben?

Ich empfehle den Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern nächstes Jahr, über den Tellerrand hinauszugehen und bei Bedarf zu recherchieren. Lesen Sie die Frage sorgfältig durch und planen Sie Ihre Gedanken, bevor Sie mit dem Aufsatz beginnen. Ihre Zeit und Ihr Aufwand werden sich genauso auszahlen wie für mich.